Varningar, Maksićevina

Högsta temperatur

21/6 11:00 em 23:00 – 22/6 11:00 em 23:00

Maximum temperature ≥ 38°C Extremely hazardous weather conditions, especially if it takes several consecutive days. Endangered lives of people (especially for chronically sick, people under therapy and medical control or meteoropaths) and animals. Serious problems in supplying electricity, the traffic problems. Extremely favourable weather conditions for forest and other fires.


Lägsta temperatur

20/6 11:00 em 23:00 – 21/6 11:00 em 23:00

Minimum temperature lower than -10°C A very dangerous weather situation when continues for several consecutive days. Endangered lives of people and animals, problems in thermal and electric power supply, road and river traffic problems, forestry damages, problems in civil engineering construction works and damages of other weather dependent sectors of economy.


Kommande 24 timmarna

Vädret i Världen idag

Varmt & kallt i Världen

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Vädret i Central Serbia